About Us
We, Century Yamakyu Corporation (CYC), have a history dating back to 1978, established as a Joint Venture Company with Inlaks Group which had the 43 subsidiary companies worldwide with the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
We became the independent company in January, 1990 by the kind support of Inlaks Group, and are known as one of the most trustworthy companies who commit to supply the quality products and services to the valued customers in various fields.
- Founded Century Koeki Ltd. on 26th September, 1978
- Founded Yamakyu Corporation on 16th December, 1987
- Merged the above two Companies and renamed Century Yamakyu Corporation on 8th January, 1990 under Reg. No.1299-01-082751 at the Ministry of Justice in Japan.
Century Yamakyu Corporation have Export Divisions and Domestic Division.
- Pre-owned MRI & CT Scan Systems and few other Medical Imaging Devices.
- Parking Systems of Elevator Slide Type, Fully Automatic, Mechanized and Multi-Levels.
- “Aquablaster” Aeration Diffusers for Wastewater Treatment, “Blastertank” and “Sludge Eater” for Aquaculture Farms.
Note: Used Forklifts, Used Golf Carts, Cosmetics, Brazilian Frozen Chicken and Other Items available upon request.
- Used Solar Panels for Power Generation in off-grid markets.
- Business Rent-a-Car for Domestic Corporate Customers solely in Japan at Economical Fare with minimum rental period of one month.
Our Vision
CYC trend toward the future and happier life related to SDGs & ESG seeking for the multiplicative effects by Social Contribution and Business Success by making further enhancement of DX.
Our Mission
CYC work with the sincerity and honesty to satisfy counterparts’ requirements. CYC develop mutually beneficial business relationship and highly appreciate their constant supports and cooperation.
Contact information
Century Yamakyu Corporation
AICA Bldg. 1-13-27 Minami-Semba
Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081, Japan
- Office Phone
- +81-6-6266-1213
- Office Fax
- +81-6-6266-1278
- E-mail
- cyc78@cycorp.co.jp
- Website
- https://www.cycorp.co.jp
- Paid up Capital
- Japanese Yen 37,200,000
Company’s Registration No. 1200-01-082751 at Ministry of Justice in Japan
Members of
- Osaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry under No. KT-01-00071134
- JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization)
- Pre-owned Products Dealer under Permit No. 621110500709
- Specially Controlled Medical Devices Dealer under No. 18N00087
- FDA (Food & Drug Administration in U.S.A.) under No. 3011165593
- MUFG Bank Ltd., Shinsaibashi Branch, Osaka, Japan
- The Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd., Senba Branch, Osaka, Japan
- The Osaka City Shinkin Bank, Head-Office, Osaka, Japan
- 社名
- センチュリー山久株式会社
- 住所(本社)
- 大阪府大阪市中央区南船場1丁目13番27号 アイカビル6階
- 住所(レンタカー事業部)
- 大阪府大阪市中央区南船場1丁目16番10号 大阪岡本ビル6階
- 代表者
- 代表取締役 加藤 利弘
- 電話
- (06)6266-1213
- Fax
- (06)6266-1278
- メールアドレス
- cyc78@cycorp.co.jp
- ホームページ
- https://www.cycorp.co.jp/(輸出関係)
- 資本金
- 37,200,000円
- 事業内容
販売先: 北米、南米、欧州、東南アジア、ロシア、ウクライナ、中近東、オーストラリア、アフリカ
仲介貿易: ブラジル → フィリピン、etc
取扱品目: 中古医療機器、排水処理機器、立体駐車場、中古ソーラーパネル(有価物)の輸出
【古物商許可番号 第621110500709号 大阪府公安委員会】
大阪商工会議所会員 No.KT-01-00071134
レンタカー – 法人向け月極め車両の貸出し。
損害保険代理業 あいおいニッセイ同和損害保険代理店
【自家用自動車有償貸渡許可(レンタカー) 大運輸第10008号】
- 取引銀行
- 三菱UFJ銀行
- 心斎橋支店
- 商工中金
- 船場支店
- 大阪シティ信用金庫
- 本店営業部
- 1978年9月
- 株式会社センチュリー交易 設立。
- 1987年12月
- 山久株式会社 設立。 国内取引を担当。
- 1990年1月
- 上記二社を合併し、両社の業務を継承してセンチュリー山久株式会社となる。
- 2004年3月
- レンタカー事業部(CYCレンタカー)を設立。法人向けに月極レンタカー・リースの提供開始。